Home > November Vacation

November Vacation

October 29th, 2009 at 02:01 pm

My dad recently contacted me about a vacation that he and my step mom’s family were going on to Orlando. They had made the reservations and bought the tickets. Unfortunately for her, my step mom’s brother had a surgery go wrong and wasn’t able to come on the trip. They then offered to bring my family and me to come along. At first I was very excited. But after a few days, my anticipation for the trip faded away. Yes, most of the trip was already paid for, but I am in no real position to go out of state on vacation. Once food, gas, and gifts from Disney World, this will be very costly to me and my family. I also have to worry about expenses in December. I have to buy tags for my two cars and Christmas gifts for my kids and extended family. It is going to be very hard me to budget this trip and maybe just cancel it. Luckily, I still have some more time to think about. Heck, I might just put it on a credit card.

3 Responses to “November Vacation”

  1. creditcardfree Says:

    Welcome to Saving Advice!

    My family of 4 spent over $700 for a 7 day trip to Disney this summer. Our hotel offsite had free breakfast, but we ate primarily at the quick dining areas within the parks. If you stay onsite, breakfast will be more expensive.

    If you put it on a credit card do you have a way to pay it off quickly? I love Disney World, but it is only fun if you can pay it off quickly!! Could this be a replacement for birthday or Christmas gifts?

    Good luck working it out!

  2. gertymac Says:

    I would also recommend using the trip as a replacement for birthday/Christmas gifts.

    But I am biased in that I prefer experiences to material things, and think that's a good lesson to teach children.

    If you decide to go, ride Splash Mountain for me! Smile

  3. Jerry Says:

    This is good advice, as far as using the trip as a gift for the holidays. That way it doesn't lead to additional expenditures later. These kinds of trips should provide some insurance of a good time, and not be a source of stress! I hope you can work it out to your benefit.

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